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Lachlan & Levi

Lachlan and Levi’s parents said, “We are very thankful for AVLC swim teachers, helping our children learn to swim. Their swimming abilities were even more apparent to us on a holiday last year. Their confidence towards the pool was incredible and they were even more independent than we had realised. It was so reassuring to see how their swimming lessons have positively impacted their ability to play and swim safely in the water.”


Exercising has become an integral part of Miriam’s daily routine and a way of life. Miriam explained, ‘I love CZ and the classes I do. I love the many people I have come to know over my time at Ascot Vale, some of which have become very dear close friends. My physio always says I’m amazing for someone my age and will reap the benefits as I grow older. All I can say is that it better be true!’


With his dedication to the program, Stewart said, “There is no way I could get up to the level of output achieved at Coaching Zone if I was doing my own workout. I always feel pumped after a session and am so motivated by the coaches. I love Coaching Zone!”

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