Functional Training
Functional Training
Our Functional Training sessions use MyZone heart rate technology to monitor its clients to work to their appropriate intensity levels ensuring they get results faster will minimal risk of injury.
What is Functional Training?
Our Functional Training classes are 45-minute high-energy workouts that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. This functional training program combines the latest in exercise science with progressive overload techniques, ensuring maximum results in just 45 minutes.
Functional Training workouts are planned in 8-week blocks. Classes get progressively more challenging as you move through the 8 weeks keeping you motivated, challenging yourself and seeing results.
Functional Training at AVLC
Being a member of a MOVE Gold membership will give you access to unlimited weekly small group training sessions led by a qualified fitness coach, plus free gym/swim membership with no lock-in contract.
This is a great way to help you get results faster, whilst keeping motivated. It is a perfect and affordable way for new members to start a fitness routine with extra support during each and every workout.
Coaches are there for you, and your journey in the functional training program! As a MOVE Gold member you will receive ongoing support both in and out of sessions.
Personal Coaching
This is the most effective way to get started! Sessions are run in small groups to ensure workouts are personalised to your level and ability. Coaches will educate you on how to train and keep you accountable to the results you want.
Team Training
Sessions are high intensity and designed to challenge you, keep you motivated and are results focused.
Scientific research proves that monitoring your heart rate to ensure you are training at the correct intensity is the fastest way to get results.
MyZone displays real time data on the screens showing heart rate, and percentage of effort in 5 simple colour coded zones. MOVE Gold members will have access to their own MyZone belt.
MyZone® Heart Rate Technology
MyZone® heart rate technology allows you to track your efforts during workouts in order to stay motivated and keep you on track in reaching your goals!
View how many calories you've burnt and track your heart rate throughout your workout. Through this technology, we're able to take the guesswork out of training and instead use science to achieve results. The benefits of MyZone® include:
- View your effort live on your smartphone
- Make connections and challenge friends
- Earn points and gain status rankings
- Motivates members and provides a sense of community
- Connect to other wearable devices
- Connect to third party equipment for maximum versatility
- Get trustworthy results with 99.4% EKG accuracy
Functional Training Timetable
The Functional Training timetable can be viewed via the Active World App, where you can also book your Functional Training sessions.To view a PDF version of the timetable, click the button below to see the overall fitness timetable including Reformer Pilates and Functional Training.
FAQs Expand all
How does the MyZone® rewards system work?
MyZone® doesn’t measure speed, cadence or weight lifted, it measures the effort you put in. This levels the playing field so that beginner effort can be comparable with the effort exerted by elite athletes.
​Everyone can control the effort they exert, and it is the control of that factor that makes MyZone® so fun and engaging.
As humans we need feedback and instant gratification in order to be encouraged to modify or create a given behavior. Without reward, without a sense of gaining something, why would you want to do anything?
The solution is not more inspiring music or reading self-help books, the solution is understanding the human reward system and playing into it with MyZone®.
I'm already a MOVE Gold member?
If you're already a MOVE Gold member you can book a Functional Training session today, simply get in touch to book in!
What do the Functional Training sessions include?
Functional Training sessions cater to all fitness levels. We offer different sessions each aimed to get results, keep you motivated and make sure you are supported along the way.
Functional Training sessions are designed to make you feel comfortable and confident, whilst also becoming educated on the correct ways and intensities to train. These sessions aim to help you achieve a sustainable training routine, which is the key to long term results